Matthew 4:5-7 (ICB) “Then the devil led Jesus to the holy city of Jerusalem. He put Jesus on a very high place of the Temple. The devil said, ‘If you are the Son of God, jump off. It is written in the Scriptures, “He has put his angels in charge of you. They will catch…
Read moreThe Power of God’s Truth: Your Armor and Shield
Psalm 91:4 (ICB) “He will protect you like a bird spreading its wings over its young. His truth will be like your armor and shield.” I love this psalm, as do many of you. I remember one time in 2023, Lillian came to my home for tea, and as we parted ways, she told me…
Read moreWhen God Warns, Listen.
1 Corinthians 5:5 (ICB) “Then give this man to Satan, so that his sinful self will be destroyed. And then his spirit can be saved on the day of the Lord.” I came across this verse yesterday, but I had heard a pastor mention it the day before. And the whole of yesterday, I was…
Read moreThe Storm Beneath the Storm
Matthew 8:26 (ICB) “Jesus answered, ‘Why are you afraid? You don’t have enough faith.’ Then Jesus got up and gave a command to the wind and the sea. The wind stopped, and the sea became very calm.” Why were the disciples afraid? What was their deepest fear? I assume their greatest fear was death. They…
Read moreSeeds of Grace: Conversations that Count
Today was such an interesting day. Our car insurance expired yesterday after kesha, and I didn’t have money to renew it. Then my daughter woke up at 9:30 AM—to have breakfast. Now, if you know anything about feeding a baby, you know how hard it is to get them to eat quickly. And we were…
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