Genesis 2:16-17 MSG
[16-17] God commanded the Man, “You can eat from any tree in the garden, except from the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil. Don’t eat from it. The moment you eat from that tree, you’re dead.”
Man was commanded to eat freely from any tree in the Garden of Eden, including the Tree of Life. Imagine if Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of Life instead of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. We would have lived forever in the garden, walking with God in perfect fellowship. There would have been no need for Calvary. Life would have been beautiful—no death, no pain, no sorrow.
Animals would have been our companions, not our predators, as their fear of humans only came after Noah’s ark (Genesis 9:2). Childbirth might still have occurred, but it wouldn’t have been painful (Genesis 3:16). Marriages would have been perfect, free of brokenness, and work would have been a joyful experience, without the toil and sweat described in Genesis 3:17-19. It would have been a perfect world, the way God originally intended.
The serpent, being a spirit, deliberately chose the body of a serpent to deceive Adam and Eve. Why did it target the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and not the Tree of Life? Because God had explicitly commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from it, making it a direct act of rebellion. By tricking them into eating from the forbidden tree, the serpent caused humanity to betray the very image of God within them.
Even now, the serpent continues to work through doubt and deception. It whispers the same questions it asked Eve: “Are you sure?” It makes us doubt God’s promises. “Are you sure you’re healed? Are you sure you have enough to finish school? Are you sure they love you? Are you sure your loved one will recover?” This same spirit of doubt tries to lead us away from trusting God’s Word. Anything that contradicts what God says about you is a lie from the enemy.
This reminds me of a discussion I had with a friend. We were talking about a man and woman of God who have been praying for a child for close to 20 years. My friend argued that continuing to pray after so long was foolishness since doctors had said it was impossible. But my spirit could not accept that narrative. I believe in the God of Sarah, who opened her womb despite her age. I know that nothing is too difficult for Him.
We eventually agreed to disagree, but it made me realize how crucial it is to have radical faith. Faith can look like madness to the world, but, “I would rather be mad to the world and believe God than be sane and follow the lies of the enemy.”
If Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of Life, they would have lived forever in harmony with God. But now, having sinned, humanity is scattered, and the serpent and fallen angels continue their dark agenda, often working through people to bring destruction. The serpent still speaks, tempting us to doubt God, just as it did with Adam and Eve. It’s funny how, even when we know something is wrong, there’s often that voice that says, “Let me just try it this one time.”
This is why we must choose to believe the report of the Lord and not the whispers of the enemy. When the enemy tries to sow doubt, cling to God’s promises. When the world says it’s impossible, remember that with God, all things are possible.
As we step into this new year, I’ll share my journey of self-acceptance. It hasn’t been easy, but I’ve learned to overcome through trusting in God’s Word. My word for this year is surrender. During my prayer time, I kept hearing those words: total surrender. I’ve handed over everything to the Lord.
Happy New Year. Let’s choose radical faith and total surrender to the One who holds all things in His hands. 🖤