Psalm 91:4 (ICB)
“He will protect you like a bird spreading its wings over its young. His truth will be like your armor and shield.”
I love this psalm, as do many of you. I remember one time in 2023, Lillian came to my home for tea, and as we parted ways, she told me to always pray Psalm 91 over my family, my children, my home, and everyone important to me. I took that to heart. In fact, it became like a ritual—every time I went into my 3 a.m. prayers, I couldn’t forget to pray Psalm 91.
Today, though, this particular verse has struck me deeply. His truth will be your armor and shield. And I started thinking—armor is for fighting. So when the enemy attacks, you use the truth of God to fight back. And if he throws daggers at you, use that same truth to shield yourself. That was such a powerful revelation to me, and it made me ask: What is the truth of God?
The truth of God is who He is. And how do we know who He is? By looking at His character. He is truth. He is life. He is light. He is a healer. He is a savior. He is a protector. He is peace. He is a provider. He is a deliverer. He is the creator. He is all of that and more. He is all-knowing, all-seeing, ever-present, inexhaustible, uncontainable, and all-powerful. He is everything.
And how do we know God’s character? We find it in His Word. His Word is His truth. So when the enemy attacks, use the Word of God to shield yourself. Use the Word to fight back. Today’s verse tells us to use the Word as our armor and our shield. But here’s the thing—you can’t use something you don’t know. That means it’s our responsibility to know the Word for ourselves. Only then can we use it to protect us and fight for us.
If the enemy attacks with sickness, fight back with “By His stripes we are healed.” If he attacks with lack, declare “My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.” If he brings death into your family, stand firm in faith like David, who said of his son, “He will not return to me, but I will go to him.” If you’re attacked unjustly, remind the devil that Jesus is your defender, standing at the right hand of God interceding for you.
Do you realize that heaven never sleeps? God is always awake, always watching over His children. Jesus is always interceding, always working to ensure our steps align with His purpose. He coordinates every detail of our lives to fulfill His plans and give us a rich and fulfilling life.
Speaking of which, I have a testimony. I had a friend back in high school, in Form 2 and 3, and we were close. He knew a lot about me. But somehow, in Form 3, we drifted apart. And for 19 years, we lost touch. A few days ago, we reconnected online. At first, I couldn’t even remember him, but as we talked, the memories came back. It was 🤯—after 19 years, here we were, talking about our old conversations, the movies we watched, and the meetups from all those years ago.
This encounter touched my heart in a way I can’t explain. It reminded me of something so important: God is the God of the impossible. He makes things happen in ways we can’t even comprehend. Because honestly, how do you explain something like that? We had no mutual friends, no connection for almost two decades, and yet, in 2025, our paths crossed again. That’s not coincidence. That’s God.
And it taught me something else—nothing is too difficult for Him. Even the things that seem impossible to us are nothing to Him. He is always working behind the scenes, orchestrating moments, encounters, and events in our lives for His glory. Trust that even the good and the bad you experience are all part of His divine plan.
I haven’t been on here for a while because I didn’t have anything to share. I’d never write something that wasn’t from my heart, so when you don’t see me posting, just know I had nothing to say. But today, I just want to remind you—God is forever faithful, forever reliable, and He does everything out of love.
Anyway, have a beautiful day. See you when you see me. And by the way—I don’t bite! If you ever have any heaviness in your heart and need someone to talk to, my phone is always open. You can text me, and I’ll respond when I get the chance. You can send a voice note. You can call me. Whatever you need to do, do it. Just reach out.
Again—I don’t bite!
Have a beautiful day. 🖤